He is the Senior Pastor of Greater Glory Rehoboth Christian Centre, Oldham, Manchester. A place to raise for God, people of glory, honour, faith, power, integrity and prosperity who will become KINGDOM BUILDERS and His AMBASSADORS to all NATIONS till Jesus comes!
He's also the President of Destiny Builder International, a mission to build destiny for the utmost fulfilment of the people, the founder of Benaiah Bible College, a non-resident educational mission for the training and raising of God's generals for our generation.
He is happily married to Dr. (Mrs) Kenny Gbenga - Popson and there are blessed with wonderful children. The Chairman of Thumb Publishing House, a publication house set up with a vision to publish the WORD of God to the dying WORLD.
He is the CEO of Popson International Group of Schools, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. He is a seasoned, motivational, international, prophetic and poetic preacher with deep insight and outstanding revelations of the Word of God through the gift of manifold wisdom.
A much sought after speaker in Churches, Seminars, Business Meetings, Schools in African countries and around the world. He is an erudite author with the following publications: DESTINY BUILDERS' SEED, YOU ARE STILL MY SON, POWERFUL PROPHETIC PRAYER POINT FOR DAILY VICTORY, HONEY FOR THE JOURNEY, THE BEAUTY OF LOVE, GOD HAS NOT FINISHED WITH YOU.